Wednesday, July 20, 2005

The Trip Home: Part III

by Cynthia MacKinnon-Morris

From what I can recall, the trip back to the midwest was pretty uneventful. So, why do I bother to blog it, one may ask? Because I have a couple cool pictures to show and because no story is complete without an ending. So there.

We left Nicomen Island (the farm) on July 6, early in the morning. It was difficult to leave my parents when I was fully aware that I probably would not be allowed back into Canada for a couple of years. Actually, I would be allowed into Canada--just not back into the U.S. without a great deal of difficulty (i.e./ more paperwork and $$ for something that is called "Advance Parole"--which I object to, but since the U.S. terms me an "Alien" I guess "parole" is befitting). I tell you, I am so tired of paperwork and paying money to all and sundry merely for the privilege of living in the U.S.; someday I might just do a blog on the fallen trees and broken bank accounts! Anyhow........back to my story. We left on a cloudy day, rain threatening, and tears flowing (mine). The Mave didn't want to leave either; she had become quite attached to her Gramma and loved all the nooks and crannies of the house. In fact, looking back, we wondered why she spent most of the trip in the back of the car instead of in her usual spot, on the dashboard...maybe it was her way of showing her sadness too! Poor kitten.

We left early because we anticipated a lengthy visit with the U.S. Customs. Ever since meeting Scott, each time I have run U.S. Customs, I've had to be frugal with the description of my motives for visiting (<---just kidding Tim R. -- I've always been perfectly truthful). I once, stupidly, made a joke about the reason for my visit--dumb move I understand--no sense of humour when it comes to H.L. Security--and no, I didn't make any stupid claims, if that is what one is thinking (wow, even I have become paranoid about big brother watching over my shoulder and a simple story is taking forever!).
Okay, let's start anew. We approached the U.S. Customs at Sumas with apprehension. We had all my paperwork in hand, as well as proof of citizenship for Scott, Mariah and Mavis. But, we also had a car loaded to the gills with our travelling stuff plus several boxes of books, etc. I had had stored at the farm. We were worried that they would take the car apart and we would be left to pack it once more. More than pleasantly surprised, we left customs after only a half hour (and $7 lighter--customs is a better deal than the rest of the departments I have had to deal with!)! As we pulled out we realized that a) the Mave had once again, not been checked for her papers, and b) the Mave was nowhere to be seen! Whenever there was a chance that she would be noticed by the authorities (e.g./ when the police gave Scott the speeding ticket) Mavis has mysteriously hidden her little self! As we pulled into Lynden, WA----> she came out of hiding to take over the wheel.

We drove that day to the western part of Montana and stayed in a nice campsite at St. Regis. While Scott and Mariah hung out reading, Mavis took me for a walk up the side of a hill. Once atop, we were in a meadow with tall grass and daisies; she was so cute bounding through the daisies--until the grass was at such a height that it became her own private maze. It was our first night with the brand new air mattress! Scott proudly pumped it up and we tried it on for size--a bit short, but very doable. Well, by 5 a.m. I woke to a very sore back. So much for the air mattress. It didn't seem to be bothering Scott's sleep so I gathered my blanket, Mavis and her litter box and headed for the car. There I slept comfortably for 2 more hours. I decided that it would be a good time to pack-up and opened the car door while the keys were in the ignition. Suddenly. the overwhelming quiet of the campsite was rudely shattered by our car alarm! I didn't even realize we had an alarm; didn't know how I had set it off; and, more crucial at the moment--didn't know how to turn it off! I hollered for Scott, pressed a lot of buttons, opened and closed doors, turned keys on and off and finally, the darn alarm shut off! Needless to say, I was the first one up in the whole place and we were the first vehicle to pull out that morning...actually, slunk out would be a more accurate verb.

Montana has casinos all over the place, including in the back rooms of cafes and of course, bars. That morning after breakfast, I put a twenty into a poker machine, lost a bunch of games and then won with a full house--and quickly cashed in my chit so I would be able to leave with the same amount of money in my pocket. Montana, we found, is a v e r y wide state! That evening we had only made it to the eastern side. We stopped to pick up dinner at a cafe/ bar and whilst waiting for the food, I checked out the poker machines in the bar. Put in a ten this time, played a couple games and came up with a flush! Once more, I knew when to quit, cashed out and left
with $18! I was happy! We stayed in a campsite that night in Glendive and the only thing of note there was the swarm of mosquitos and the claustrophobic heat. Through the long drive of this state, Mariah spent much of her time reading Princess Bride as she sat scrunched in the back seat!

The route we took home was slightly different. We turned onto the I94 at Billings and then drove through North Dakota. The landscape changed slightly here, from rolling hills to the badlands once more. We actually took the time to stop at a viewpoint to see this painted hill. The plans that we made included a stop for the night in the middle of Minnesota. However, once we made it to M/ SP, we estimated the time it would take to drive home from
Minneapolis/ St Paul would be about 8 hours--so decided to drive through the night and get home around 5 a.m. So, drive we did. As we approached and left Minnesota, a huge storm loomed in the south and extended east and west as far as the eye could see. We kept hoping to stay out of its way as it looked like it could be a violent one. This storm cloud that we neared was most impressive, both in size and in configuration. Thankfully, we were well out of the area before it made its way north.

We did drive through the night and made good time, even through Chicago. I had driven most of that day but decided that the traffic was just a bit too fast and scary in Chicago so I pulled off the freeway into the city and let Scott take the wheel for the rest of the trip home. We did arrive home at 5 a.m. to a kettle of kitties eagerly awaiting our return! After some initial hissing at Mavis, they all settled down--mostly because she responded by sniffing each of their behinds in turn! Angst had been shut outside and told Scott all about it as she raced across the lawn to the door. We all went to bed; Mariah fell asleep on the couch and the kitties piled onto the bed with us. Home again at last!


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